Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Medical Side of Growing Old!

As its the start of a New Year, OAP and I decided to go to our local pharmacy and get our medical check ups for the medical aid done.  Early morning (to beat the normal queue waiting for the clinic sister) and no food (one of the checks is cholesterol) doesn't do my sense of well-being much good (one of the checks is for Blood Pressure!) so by the time I had my check up done I had a raised BP (well Mrs BLOODY FAT clinic sister called me obese!) and a raised Cholesterol level.  You will be glad to know that my AIDS check was negative - I should coco since I haven't had sex with anyone but OAP for 17 years and not with him if I can help!!!!!!  I didn't even want the check but she said it gained us extra points! What a waste of money.  Then we had to go to the doctor and have a proper cholesterol test done which cost an arm and a leg - only to be told that the pharmacy checks are useless as they show a total cholesterol level and my GOOD chol is much higher than my BAD one but added together they give a high reading!  I should have gone to the doc in the first place.  Anyway, while we were at the docs OAP decided to get EXTRA points for him by having his PSA checked (prostate cancer markers) only to discover the result was higher than normal and he then had to go to the lab for a more comprehensive test.  This is more than a week ago and we still haven't heard the results but I gather the docs rooms did phone OAP and tell him to come in to get his results and he refused as he says they just want to charge him for a consultation!!!  Jeez!  Meanwhile I went for my yearly mammogram which was fine - phew!   So we are in reasonable health (depending on his result if I can persuade the receptionist to let me pay for the consult in secret and not tell OAP!) if over R6000 poorer.  Not a bad way to start the new year.

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