Saturday, November 26, 2011

Man Flu

As usual I can't remember when last I wrote my Blog. I seem to have forgotton all about blogging lately, but last night in bed, thinking my favourite eldest daughter was ignoring me, I suddenly thought: "I am supposed to read her blog to find out what's going on in her life". I would have risen there and then and booted up the computer except I had just settled down in a comfy position and was damned if I was moving. This morning there was about a months worth of blogs to read from her and also from my favourite niece! It was almost worth not looking for so long - I had a readfest and made a comment or two and then was triggered to write my own one: So - what's been happening in MY life you ask? Hmmmm - well OAP got "man flu" - this a deeply dangerous and harrowing disease (for everyone around him!). He hacked and coughed, snuffled and snorted, refused to use tissues because he blows holes in them - and NO he can't use two at a time or even three as that is a waste of money. Oh - didn't you know that OAP comes from a frugal Scottish background? Well you do now - read on to discover more! I rooted out Disprins, Vicks Vaporub and cough sweeties (all well past their use by dates but OAP doesn't believe in those!) and brought him hot toddies that would have felled a horse and hot soups and little nibbles and snacks (you do know that we live in a house on three floors with many many stairs and wooden floors that can be rapped sharply with a knobkerrie to gain attention?) while OAP lay flat on his back refusing to sit up against his pillows to alleviate his coughing, back of left hand pressed limply against his forehead, eyes closed with a pained expression on his face, telling me that he really wasn't hungry but a little jelly and cream, and another hot toddy like the last one (dear God - I wondered if I should book him into AA) oh - and a little snack of warmed up lasagne and maybe a peach, a banana, an orange, a bowl of cherries, an elephant and an ardvark - just kidding! - would help him to feel better. So I slogged up and downstairs for a week trying to block out the vile noises emanating from the bedroom and trying to smile and not vomit when I heard him sniff or clear his throat! Then, just as he was feeling marginally better - BAM! - I cam down with it! And it's NOT man flu - it's the plague, ebola, typhoid fever, whatever - it's AWFUL and every bit as ghastly he he sounded! I haven't apologised to him of course as he never knew what sort of thoughts were floating around inside my head, but wow this was flu from hell. For a week I have hacked and coughed, snuffled and snorted, sitting side by side with him in the bed - we have taken turns to trot downstairs to get hot toddies that would fell a horse, I will bother about AA next week, bowls of jelly, etc. but I still had to be better enough yesterday to do the washing and ironing. I threw away ALL his snotty hankies and made him buy new ones on a trip to town and actually he got to the stage where even HE thought his hanky deposits were disgusting and took to using 3 tissues at a time - so you see - even Old Dogs can learn New Tricks - given the right MASTER!!!!!


  1. I enjoyed the blog. Good to see you online again. I hope reading it wasn't catching as that 'flu sounds like rough stuff. I also blow holes in tissues and find that the PnPay triples are actually strong enough not to let bits of disgusting wet paper cloud my world. Best wishes.

  2. Ah Manflu. In the past week I had a cold, that I gave to my baby who gave it to his Dad. Guess who was the worst patient?!

    You write so well! Please keep it up, and I will try to too ;-)
