Thursday, August 9, 2012

You get what you wish for!

Be careful what you wish for - goes the saying.  Well I've been wishing for our concierge to bring us a load of firewood in readiness for winter here in the Alps.  Not that we will be here but eldest daughter with boyfriend and favourite grandson WILL be.  I so wanted to make sure they were all set for the snow and freezing cold and didn't want them to have to hesitate before lighting a fire each evening and, if not skiing, have it going all day!   Well we've been here 2 months and no firewood has been forthcoming - until this morning.   The concierge arrived with a CORDE of wood (thats a cubic metre) - he did ask if wanted a corde or half a corde and we quickly said half as we had seen last week what a corde looked like - its enormous!  He had it packed in boxes and loaded on his mechanical wheelbarrow and box after box came off and was stacked against the wall on the patio.  After 6 boxes I realised he still had 4 more on the wheelbarrow and decided to call a halt to it all!  Non, Non!!! S'il vous plait!!!  Halt!!! I felt like Mickey in the Sorceror's Apprentice when he cast a spell on the broom in order to get it to fetch water from the well, although Antonio was easier to stop!  So, daughter mine, you can have a fire EVERY day you are here - DO NOT stint yourselves as we can't take it with us!!!!   Although if there is much left we jolly well will have a bash and load it in the car and take it to France next year - but hopefully you will use it all and we won't have to bother!

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