Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pilates update

After a pilates class from hell yesterday I could hardly get downstairs this morning! My thighs and hips were screaming as each muscle extended on going down the stairs. I hope this is doing me good and isn't doing harm to my ageing body. But actually I can already see a small difference in the cellulite that I have piled onto my upper legs over the last 5 years. If I keep this up I might just look half decent by May! The trouble with Pilates is my core balance - I don't seem to have one!! It's all about breathing and maintaining ones balance whilst sitting on a Bosu? Leaning on a bosu or standing on a bosu! Dear Lord who invented such an instrument of torture? Oh yes, it must be the same person who invented the exercise ball with 4kgs of lead shot inside and then secretes it among the ordinary exercise balls so that suckers like me (who skid into class late) are left with only this ball! While my arms are sagging and sweat pours off my head like a mini waterfall all the others are swinging away fresh as daisies! Bastards! Then there's a blue sausage made of foam on which we are supposed to lie while doing leg raises and situps - I'm sure these exercises are aimed at the young and not at the elderly. I have put in a request for a class for the elderly as I have fond memories of Health and Beauty aerobic classes where we gently swung our arms and legs and looked elegant. Not a drop of sweat fell from a class of 50 ladies of whom Sal and I were possibly the youngest!
The rain has stopped pouring non stop - just a quick cloud burst yesterday afternoon so I was able to get the washing done and dry. The river is flowing strongly and looks so inviting that I will probably go for a swim when I finish this. And to leave the property we have to cross our dam wall and then go through a fjord which is very exciting. No point washing the car though as its mud mud mud all the way to the tar road 5 kms away!

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