Friday, August 26, 2011

Still maintaining weightloss

Amazing - I am writing this from the gym where I have just weighed myself and discovered that the 10 kilos I lost when ill is still not back! Yahoo! I am still about 5 kilos over my supposed preferred weight but I'm not complaining. And the funny thing is: I FEEL so much thinner! That's the best part of it. I have often looked at pics of women who are very obese and then lose about 30 kilos and are thrilled and the picture of them now shows them twice the size I was and yet they are happy! I couldn't understand that, but now I do! I am really happy to be the weight I am and even if I do put more on in the years to come I will still be happy because I am healthy. It's really hard not to gain as I have to really discipline myself not to load my plate up and then not to eat too fast. Also OAP loves his chocolate and eats it in front of me! Wah! Having not eaten any since April I thought I was over that but obviously not! Still, one piece after supper seems to satisfy the craving and he just has to hide his stash away or I will nobble the lot! This is not easy for him as I know EVERY square inch of our house and can happily search it for hours in anticipation of a reward. While Golden Boy was with us we bought a bag of marshmallows for him to toast in the evenings - there was half a bag left which I stuffed down the day after he left! Now I'm trying to stick to wine (whine?) gums but they give me belly ache if I eat too many. See a pattern here? NO self control, better not to buy the things. In 2 weeks time we will be in Switzerland where I will be tempted by brie and camembert cheeses and soft french bread to mention but two of the delights of being on holiday there.


  1. I've just bought an ash brie and ash blue and put them in the fridge ready for when I am no longer pregnant! Milord has been warned to leave them alone... the longer this baby takes to come the better the cheese will be. Although once Granny gets here tomorrow (yahoo!) they may be in peril...

    And we don't dare have chocolate or chips in the house because someone will scoff the lot!

  2. So... where are the pics? Preferably with stars and thong but that's just a typical old sailor! Enjoy the rejuvenation.
