Thursday, August 29, 2013

Flaming WHAT?

After 3 months here in Augerolles I have finally seen my first Flaming Salamander!  OAP went downstairs the other morning to make me a cuppa and called out that he'd found a lizard on the floor and what should he do with it?  I went down - braving the 8 degrees that we are back to (what happened to summer?   Is that all we get here? One month?)   and in the early morning gloom saw a very sad, sluggish lizardy looking thing.  OAP scooped it up in a shallow Tupperware and I predicted that it would die shortly as its skin looked dehydrated and sort of stuck to its bones.  You know when you find a dead lizard that's got dehydrated?  Well it looked like that but it was moving sluggishly.  Anyway we took it outside and as soon as I saw it in the sunlight I realised it was a Flaming Salamander.  Grabbing the camera I took a photo and then groped my way down the cellar steps to see if there were any more and lo and behold there was one at the bottom of the steps!  I think it was slowly (they really move very slowly like chameleons) making up its mind to follow its brother upstairs into the wide world of Above!   Actually as I went down and back up the cellar steps I really hoped I wouldn't stand on one or put my hand on one!!  I think Flaming Whatnots are all very well in their place but the bottom of my foot or the palm of my hand is not the best place to be - if you are an FS!  Of course Sammy Salamander who HAD made it to Above had only been able to because OAP had left the cellar door open for a day or so unknown to me.  This is a bone of contention as he wants to "air" the cellar out and I do NOT want Flaming thingies all over my kitchen and anyway its spooky and also it is supposed to be damp or the salamanders will dry out or move out and as we are supposed to feel priveledged that they are in our cellar in the first place we may as well keep conditions perfect for them.

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